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NBHS School Counseling

New Britain High School Counseling

The NBHS Guidance Department consists of nine counselors, including a guidance director, a career counselor, and a transitional counselor. The guidance department provides a comprehensive guidance program that involves both an individual and group approach to guidance services. Guidance lessons are taught to students at grade appropriate levels throughout your four years of high school. The counselors have a collection of resources to help students explore post-high school opportunities.

The role of the school counselor includes coordinating, consulting and counseling in the areas of personal/social issues, careers and academic development. High school counselors provide the following services:

  • New student registrations, which involve obtaining cumulative and special education (if applicable) records from previous schools, an intake interview, school tour, and developing a student schedule appropriate for the student. 
  • Meet with students individually to schedule classes 
  • Keep records of student meetings, make schedule changes when necessary, and continually monitor social and academic progress. 
  • Coordinate parent, teacher and /or student conferences, as academic concerns arise. 
  • Continually monitor attendance together with the Attendance Committee. 
  • Meet with juniors and seniors for post-secondary planning 
  • Write letters of recommendation, complete school reports and transcript requests. 
  • In the case of special education students, counselors attend and report academic, credit and graduation information at the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) Meetings as needed. 
  • Work with students and/or their families in providing referrals to appropriate outside agencies (DCF, FSWN, counseling) 
  • Individual counseling services for academic, emotional and behavior issues or crisis intervention, as needed for students. 
  • Monitor and assess graduation requirements. 
  • Organize homebound tutoring 
  • Coordinate and manage 504 meetings and meet with 504 students as needed 
  • Attend meetings with probation, DCF, Family with Service Needs and community outreach groups as needed. 
  • Assist with Career Center coverage and activities. 
  • Attend weekly guidance meetings

Below are the graduation requirements for the New Britain High School Class of 2020, 2021, and 2022

Credit Requirements (23 total)

4 English credits 
1 credit American Literature, 1 credit World Literature and 2 English elective credits

3 Social Studies credits
1 credit in US History, 1 credit in World/International Studies, .5 credit in American Government  and .5 credit in Social Studies elective

3  Mathematics credits
1 credit in Algebra 1, 1 credit in Geometry, and 1 credit in Math elective/Algebra 2

3 science credits
1 credit in Physical Science, 1 credit in  Life Science and 1 Science elective

10 other credits
1 Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education credit1 Physical Education credit0.5 Health credit6.5 credits of electives1 Capstone Experience credit

Other Graduation Requirements for 2020

I. The Student Success Plan (SSP)
The SSP is an online portfolio of work that students have been working on since their Freshman year. Each year, students are asked to upload work that they have completed in specific domains to their teacher for evaluation. This portfolio is student-centered, meaning that students can work on it on their own and are responsible for its completion upon graduation. Students log in with their district email address and school password. Once they are on the homepage there will be a list of all the claims that they need to complete. Many require an upload of work and reflection which can simply be done by following the directions. Once the work is submitted and evaluated by either their teacher, counselor, or principal (depending on the claim), a lock symbol will appear next to the claim signifying that it is completed. Once all claims show a lock symbol, the SSP is complete.

II. Capstone
The Capstone Project is an ongoing project that students have been working on throughout their senior year, both at home and in Advisory. Each project much meet specific guidelines and established deadlines. There are three main components to the Capstone Project: 1.) a written component, 2.) a visual presentation, and 3.) an oral presentation. Upon receiving approval by the Capstone Committee, each students will work throughout the year researching and learning more about his/her topic and producing his/her final project. Capstone presentations will take place in May, 2020. Counselors, advisors, and mentors will provide guidance during this process, but it is very important for parents to monitor the ongoing progress of the Project. 

III. Test Completion
Students must take the PSAT or an approved alternate test and must take the State In School SAT. Most students have taken the PSAT and State SAT, but if not, they must speak to their counselor about their options.

The Career Center is conveniently located on the second floor in the Media Center. College catalogs, resource books, pamphlets on careers, technical schools, SAT I and II preparation resources, business schools, financial aid, and a comprehensive career education and counseling database on computers are a few of the available services. The center is open to all students to explore the many paths that will be open to them after high school, both career and college. Here's just a sample of what we can do for you:

College Application Prep 
SAT and ACT registration assistance 
College search and exploration 
Identification of college application requirements 
College admissions speakers 
Obtain college applications 
College application assistance (Common App) 
Essay Writing assistance 

Scholarship “Do’s and Don’ts” 
Scholarship recourses 
Application completion assistance 
Essay writing assistance 

Financial Aid 
FAFSA completion assistance 
Financial Aid workshops 
Financial Aid representatives 

​Job Search 

Self exploration tools 
Resume writing assistance 
Job postings 
Job applications (via internet) 
Job interview Coaching

We have dozens of scholarship opportunities available throughout the year. Click here for the latest available scholarships.

The SAT is required for most four year colleges. Junior must take during the school day test while seniors should take the test again in October or November.
For a list of dates, and to register, please click here.

Accuplacer is a suite of tests that determines your knowledge in math, reading and writing as you prepare to enroll in college-level courses.  Accuplacer is used to identify your strengths and weaknesses in each subject area and to help you improve your skills through interactive learning tools. The results of the assessment, in conjunction with your academic background, goals and interests, are used by academic advisors and counselors to place you in the appropriate college courses that meet your skill level. Click here for more information about the Accuplacer Test, which is used by Community Colleges to determine students' placement in College level English and Math courses.

This test is administered to students who are interested in attending the Military. The ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. Click here for more information about the ASVAB Test.

SAT Test
The SAT is required for most four year colleges. Junior must take during the school day test while seniors should take the test again in October or November.

Testing Information and Resources
Comparing the SAT (Current and Re-Designed) to the ACT
Khan Academy Official SAT Practice
Linking CollegeBoard with Khan Academy for a free personalized practice prep for the SATs

NBHS Guidance Department Staff Directory

Name Position Email Phone
Stacey Rosado School Counseling Dept. Head Email Extension 1634
Sondra Aponte-Garcia Gold Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1811
Pat Morrell Gold Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1812
Eric Schenfield Gold Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1815
Maurice Simpson Gold Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1814
Samantha Araujo Gold Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1813
Lily Polanco Gold Guidance Secretary Email Extension 1810
Ana Rodriguez-Ayala Red Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1715
Leslie Soto Red Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1711
Judyta Leary Red Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1713
Amy McGloin Red Guidance Counselor Email Extension 1714
Elba Correa Red Guidance Secretary Email Extension 1710