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Facilities Management

The Facilities Department is a service organization consisting of custodians, maintenance, security and support staff dedicated to the support and success of the Consolidated School District of New Britain faculty, staff, students and community. The Consolidated School District of New Britain consists of 15 school buildings, one administrative building, one maintenance building and rental property. Our responsibilities for those facilities include cleaning, maintenance, operation and improvement of buildings, grounds and utility systems, design and construction and energy management. Our goal is to respond to our users' facility and environmental needs with quality work and service in a positive, helpful manner that conforms to mutually acceptable requirements.

The Department of Facilities Management strives to effectively and efficiently provide building and maintenance services that support the faculty, staff and students in achieving academic objectives. The Department will strive to provide quality and safe surroundings in a rapidly changing environment and provide services in a proactive, responsive, cost effective and service-oriented manner that parallels and supports the Consolidated School District of New Britain's strategic plans. All efforts of the Department are service based, and satisfactory customer service is an essential component and goal of all departmental undertakings.

It is the mission of the Facilities Department to provide all areas of the Consolidated School District of New Britain a clean, safe and healthy environment for teaching and learning. To contact our Facilities Department, please call 860-827-2287.

Energy Management

On October 3, 2011, the New Britain Board of Education adopted a policy statement (10-2) that solidifies the district's commitment and desire to conserve energy and leave behind a green footprint. In part, it states, "The Board embraces energy conservation and believes it to be our responsibility to ensure that every reasonable effort is made to conserve energy and natural resources while exercising sound financial management..." Energy Management is a complex system of monitoring all buildings in the school district to ensure efficient use of our Electricity, Natural Gas and Water resources. The process works! Since the inception of our energy program in 2011, we have been able to achieve more than $2 million in cost avoidance!

Green Cleaning

The State of Connecticut now requires that each local and regional board of education implement a green cleaning program for all school buildings and facilities in its district. The Consolidated School District of New Britain is committed to the implementation of this law by providing the staff and, upon request, the parents and guardians of each child enrolled in each school with a written statement of the school district's green cleaning program as well as making it available on its web site annually. The administrative regulation will also be distributed to new staff hired during the school year and to parents or guardians of students transferring in during the school year.

Green cleaning program means the procurement and proper use of environmentally preferable cleaning products as defined by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) for all state owned buildings, schools and facilities. DAS currently required that environmentally preferable cleaning products be independently certified by one of two third party certified organizations: Green Seal or Eco Logo. By July l, 2011 and thereafter no person shall use a cleaning product in a public school unless it meets the DAS standard.

The types of cleaning products covered in this legislation include: general purpose, bathroom, and glass cleaners, floor strippers and finished, hand cleaners and soaps. The preferred green cleaning products used by this school district are listed below. Disinfectants, disinfectant cleaners, sanitizers or antimicrobial products regulated by the federal insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide act are not covered by this law.

It is our policy that no parent, guardian, teacher or staff member may bring any consumer product which is intended to clean, deodorize, sanitize or disinfect into a school facility.

The implementation of this program requires the support and cooperation of everyone including administrators, faculty, staff, parents, guardians and facilities staff. Any questions concerning the program can be directed to Rebecca Gonzalez, Chief Operations Officer at 860-827-2216.

Cleaning Products

The following chart lists the types, names and manufacturers of the green products used by the Consolidated School District of New Britain.

Name Product Manufacturer Area Safety Data Sheet
Avistat-D Disinfectant Cleaner National Chemical Laboratories of PA Multisurface Click here
BioRenewable Glass Cleaner Glass Cleaner Spartan Glass Click here
Defoamer Defoamer Spartan Machines Click here
Xcelente Disinfectant Cleaner Spartan Multisurface Click here
Green Solutions Industrrial Cleaner Degreaser Spartan Tile Floors Click here
SC-200 Degreaser Spartan Tile Floors Click here
Clean by 4D Disinfectant Cleaner Spartan Bathrooms Click here
Tree-z Grafiti Remover Spartan Walls Click here
PURELL® Foodservice Sanitizer Disinfectant Cleaner GOJO Industries, Inc. Multisurface Click here
PURELL® HEALTHY SOAP® Mild Foam Handsoap GOJO Industries, Inc. Bathroom/Sinks Click here
PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer Foam Isopropyl Alcohol GOJO Industries, Inc. Throughout Building Click here
PURELL® Professional Surface Disinfecting Wipes Alcohol Wipe GOJO Industries, Inc. Clasrooms Click here
FloorFront Wax Spartan Building Floors Click here
Terra Glaz Wax Spartan Building Floors Click here
Shineline Emulsifier Plus Wax Remover Spartan Building Floors Click here

Contact Information

The Facilities Department is based out of the New Britain Educational Administration Center, located at 272 Main Street. If you would like to direct your inquiry to the department as a whole, please click here to use their general email box.

Name Position Email Address Phone Number
Rebecca Gonzalez Chief Operations Officer Click to email 860-827-2216
Robert Smedley Manager of Special Projects and Technology Click to email 860-818-3628
Sherry Tyler Manager of Facilities Operations Click to email 860-827-2012
Russ Taylor Manager of Security Click to email 860-225-6300 x1683
Andre Clay Maintenance Foreman Click to email 860-712-5875
Julyanna Korkatzis Manager of Custodians Click to email 860-505-9723
Tiffany Secondo Facilities Assistant Click to email 860-827-2287
Kate Murphy Food Service Manager Click to email 860-515-9723