In partnership with family and community, the Consolidated School District of New Britain works to provide the best personalized and comprehensive whole-child education so our students will be prepared for and positively contribute to a profoundly different future. To achieve this mission, the district's PreK-12 social-emotional learning curriculum promotes inclusivity, diversity, whole-child wellness, and the attributes of the profile of the New Britain graduate. CSDNB staff are trained on intentional practices to create and maintain an engaging learning environment and on establishing positive relationships with students and families.
Through lessons, activities, and experiences aligned to the five CASEL competencies, students strengthen their skills in empathy and cross-cultural understanding. Age-appropriate reflection exercises assist students in becoming more self-aware and more aware of others. Students are provided with the tools and strategies to cope with both positive and negative situations and their outcomes.
CSDNB SEL programming has benefited from our strong connections with community organizations and from extensive grant funding that has helped enrich our offerings. Our curriculum is strongly aligned with the Pre-K through grade 3 key categories designated by the SDE related to social, emotional, and intellectual habits which is linked here: K-3 Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Habits Documents.
The curriculum aligns to the five CASEL competencies:
"Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions." - CASEL
Overview of PreK - 3
Curriculum To increase engagement CSDNB will implement a social skills curriculum which includes lessons, resources, and additional strategies for integrating SEL into academic and academic arts content/curriculum. A committee made up of teachers, social workers, administrators, and central office staff have created the PreK-3 SEL curriculum.
Grade 4 Curriculum
Grade 4 SEL adds in a school service project in which the students apply the knowledge of SEL.
Grade 5 Curriculum
The grade 5 curriculum centers around the book Wishtree by Katherine Applegate. Lessons revolve around the CASEL competencies portrayed throughout the story. Additionally, students will complete a community service project applying their SEL knowledge and skills.
Sixth Grade
Transition from elementary school to middle; how to handle the change in responsibilities and expectations; developing a growth mindset; building community; becoming aware of their own as well as other’s social emotional needs.
Seventh Grade
Ways to manage stress; navigating relationships with peers, family members, teacher, and friends; constructive conflict resolution; developing good lifelong habits; facing challenges; self-love; and acknowledging and dealing with their own as well as other’s social emotional needs.
Eighth Grade
Transition to high school; high school options and pathways, hard and soft skills; long-term life and career goals; interview skills; financial literacy; building themselves up to achieve their goals and be the person they want to be.
Comprehensive health and wellness education focuses on the concept of the whole person: The physical, mental, social and emotional dimensions of the individual. In 6th grade, students are introduced to the concept of the health triangle which encompasses the dynamic interaction and interdependence of physical, mental, social and emotional health involve a person’s total being and is the essence of a “healthy” person. This concept and these topics are carried throughout health education in grades 6-12.
CASEL Competencies
Self-Assessment, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making
Ana Grace Project Competencies
Kindness, Compassion, Empathy, and Self Regulation
Well Managed Classroom Skills
Following Instructions - Accepting Criticism or Consequence, Accepting "No" for an Answer - Greeting Others - Getting the Teacher's Attention - Disagreeing Appropriately - Making an Apology - Accepting Compliments - Having a Conversation - Asking for Help - Asking Permission - Staying on Task - Sharing with Others - Working with Others - Listening to Others - Using an Appropriate Voice Tone
Central Connecticut State University - Ana Grace Project
Klingberg Family Centers
Community Health Center, Inc.